Welcome to kidz life
There is a call upon the CHURCH to raise a CHAMPION GENERATION for today and tomorrow! We believe that every child is different in design but identical in worth and are all called to be CHAMPIONS.
The Bible says, “Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children…” (Deuteronomy.6:6-7, TMB).
What we invest into them now will determine who they are today and what will become of them in the future. If we want our children to succeed today and tomorrow, we must be a part of shaping their destiny right now.
Additional info
Health & Safety Guidelines
- All children, parents/guardians, and volunteers must clear our Health & Safety Guidelines in order to enter any of our children’s facilities. - A temperature check will be required with a reading of less than 37ºC to enter any children’s facilities. - Everyone must sanitize their hands at the entry door. - Everyone must honor the 6 feet distancing. - Increased and thorough sanitation and cleaning will be followed
Get involved
Our amazing team of volunteers is what makes Kidz Life possible. Their involvement in the lives of our children matters and their service is making a tremendous difference. And we are always looking for more faithful, committed and fun-loving people to join our team! If you’re interested in getting involved with Kidz Life, please take a moment to complete the “Volunteer Application” by speaking with one of the pastors. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to serving with you.