pastor Wally Matanza
Wally Matanza was born in Olongapo Philippines and immigrated to San Diego California at the age of 9. He served in the United States Marine Corps and was stationed in Honolulu Hawaii. After serving in the military, he entered into full time ministry. He has been serving as a pastor at Word of Life Hawaii and was sent as a Missionary/Pastor to Yokohama Japan in March 2020. He is happily married to Patti Matanza and has a 18 year old son named Isaiah. He has also written a book called Compel to help equip and empower the believer to be an effective witness for Christ.

pastor Patti Matanza
Patti Matanza was born in El Salvador and immigrated to the United States in Los Angeles California at the age of 12. She has been a Spanish teacher for private schools and Universities in Honolulu Hawaii. She has served at Word of Life Honolulu as a women’s network leader and was recently ordained as a Pastor on July 12, 2020. She arrived in Japan on July 2020 along with Isaiah. She is passionate about teaching God's word to help equip and develop people's faith in the promises of God's word.

Pastor Fukikomatsuzawa
1970年 アメリカハワイ州へ渡米
1996年 Leadship Bible Institue (LBI)入学
2001年 Leadship Bible Institue (LBI)卒業
2002年 Word Of Life Christian Center Honoluluで説教(日本語)を始める
2006年 聖職叙任式を受けて牧師に就任
2006年 Word Of Life Christian Center Yokohamaの牧師として日本へ遣わされる
2007年 2月より横浜の元町チャーチにて礼拝を開始し、